Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Script and MySQL

Just finished version 1 of my RPG script, it contains house system. Only that. Thought of adding MySQL, so i tried adding it, but duh. It was a long time since i wrote a mysql script. So i thought of Pghpunkid, he had helped me on MySQL thing before. But, i couldn't contact him through IRC (permanently banned from not forum either (banned there too). TheAlpha said that he hangs around in PTPM server (TCG) so i checked there and found him. Sent him a PM. Fix't.

What the problem actually is that, the houses is not using IDs (unlike players, where their id is Username). So how can i get the cost, x, y, z etc? I dont want to have ID - too complicated. I have thought of looping throu the table, googled, googled more, couldn't find the answer. So that's the problem.


  1. Leopard: Its Pghpunkid, All MySQL Entries have a primary index as a ID. These should be unique and auto-incrementing, one for each row. Then add the cost, X, Y, Z, etc into the structure with the row and it should be awesome. sorry it took so long, i just googled my own name and found this, i left PTP some time ago.

  2. FYI: Contact me @
