Thursday, December 10, 2009

Update on mario game #13


What's up? Well, from my side it's fine. I just happend to have a little headache now and then before sleeping. Otherwise it's great.

So what's up with the game? It's rollin' on. I work about 3-4 hours on it every day now. I do accomplish stuff these hours, and together in one week, it's alot!
I've now looked into an compression library that can compress game files - that would improve alot;
- Less space being used.
- Files more organized.
Well... that's basically the main positive sides of compresison. I'll probably use a compression class created by my good friend, Sam. In which i must point out he is a great helper.
Back to the game - in the beginning of this week i discovered a bug in the collision system (pfff... again, like 5 times now) and decided to recode the detection. Now it's more stable then ever and faster (it utilizes one loop for all the three collision detection (collision on ground, wall and "bumping" a cube), instead of one loop for every collision type).
I also added blocks - ground, question, brick and solid blocks to the game.

Speaking of sprites, and music - one dude contacted me for helping. Wazza, is his name. His brother is awesome at piano. And he's only played that for 1 year - and man, that is quick. He componated his own music, and i've played piano for 4 years without componing my own. (Well, once, but that was trashed). He is interested in delivering music for my game. Seems ok, i'm thinking of asking him to deliver some music, and we'll see. And i'll hear.

Sorry, won't be rereading the post so forgive me for all spelling errors, grammatic fault etc. Have a nice day.



  1. Don't need to ask if you wan't somethign done.

    Great blog post again +1.

  2. Hey Leo,
    I like your project, noticed it today. What's the compression library you're talking about?
    I'm also involved in game developing since about 2 weeks, so if you need help, it would be great for me to participate in such a great project.
    Good luck for the future.

  3. Hi MaVe.
    The compression library is a custom one made by my friend.

    And sure, if you want, feel free to add me in Windows Live at

